afzal khan
3 min readFeb 23, 2021

Benefits of Integrated Security Solutions During COVID-19 Pandemic

Arif Rajan, MD GCS states that even after the recent developments of vaccination, the best way to prevent the rapid spread of the virus is to contain it by limiting the interaction of infected people with the surrounding people.

Unfortunately, with this dreadful disease, the symptoms are invisible, or one can say the symptoms are quite similar to common flu, and seems like there is nothing serious to worry about it.

The first step that the administrative government worldwide took to contain the spread was to strengthen the surveillance at entry points like airports, seaports to resist the spread of the outbreak.

Why integrated security solutions are getting more in demand?

Apart from the defense sector, numerous other sectors call for integrated security solutions.

By placing these systems, it allows you to keep your workplace, business, employees, and families secure against possible security threats.

With the transformation of businesses towards digitalization many businesses are facing constant security issues both physically and cyber-attack threats.

Hence, as the businesses are growing, they need to empower their security too.

Failing to do so will not only risk your company’s growth but also create doubts in the end user’s mind as to whether risk their company’s security in your unprotected hands.

Simply having a real-time CCTV security camera might be a good start but no sign of a strong defense line, rather installing an integrated security solution can be the best solution for all sizes of businesses.

An integrated system helps companies by offering tremendous value and helps an organization maintain their operations and grow their enterprises without losing time and resources.

Benefits of integrated security systems

1) Real-time monitoring- What’s the use of investing in security solutions when they can’t notify or help you track down the security breach before time?

A real-time monitoring feature can be encrypted at your workplace which allows your work personnel to always monitor their work processes and check on various aspects of your enterprises with just a single click of a button.

2) Centralized Network Security- An integrated security system will help you eliminate the headaches and time wastage of coordinating with different resolutions to IT issues and security problems across multiple vendors and service providers.

3) Financial benefits- Just like every other part of businesses are important and you have to keep the budget in mind, the security part should also be budget-friendly.

By integrating security solutions, it will automate most aspects of your firm’s security and this will lead you to hunt down and fix issues quickly and effectively all with easy coordination and streamlined processes for personnel.

Work with reliable and experienced security solutions providers

All businesses and the people who run them are always busy.

However, many business owners are keenly focused on growing their enterprises that they often allow security breaches to slip through the leap holes.

This can lead the enterprises to serious consequences if not addressed on time.

Arif Rajan MD GCS Company is the unicorn in the security solution providing industry, it’s has helped thousands of businesses to take their security level to a next level.

They help in providing customized security solutions according to the customers demand and needs while offering the latest technologies such as:

Ø Preventive alarm systems

Ø CCTV cameras

Ø Long ranges and thermal cameras

Ø Central access control solutions

Ø Fiber intrusion solutions, etc.

afzal khan

Working since last 15 years in the field of SEO, Digital and Social Media Marketing